The Profile is comprised of one or several Instances/Records.
Each Record shows Date Range and Minyan availability for each of the 21 weekly minyanim.
For Each Minyan, the setting can be (Y) for prepared to attend, (N) for cannot attend, (R) for being available as a Reserve in case of need.
If there is a conflict for a specific minyay between several instances, then the most recently created/updated instance takes precendence
The Daily Minyan Display below, has columns showing weekdays. The column contains 3 letters for Shacharit/Mincha/Maariv
Filtering Choices
You can choose to view/edit Enabled Instances, Inactive Instances, All Instances.
Or you can choose a specific Minyanaire and view/edit all associated instances.
Adding/Editting a Profile Instance
Select Profile(s) in the Filter
Click the + button on the left to Add a new Profile Instance
If a Profile Instance Exists, Click anywhere on the record to Edit the Instance