Manage Minyan Times

Add, Edit and maintain your Shacharit, Mincha, Maariv minyan times.Take into consideration sunrise and sunset times, Religious Holidays, Public Holidays, Special Events.

Manage Attendance

Keep track of Minyanaires, Minyanaire Profiles defining when committed to attend, Project Minyan Attendance. Send minyan reminders via email or SMS. This enables the Minyan Gabbai to see ahead of time what each minyan attendance will be.

Online will be unique for your organization. You can have it as a stand-alone site or embedded into one of your website's pages. Visitors/members may request minyan time reminders to be emailed or texted to them. Decide to display 1 week or 2 weeks or more at a time.


Place a kiosk-like display in prominent locations at your site. These will serve to remind people of the upcoming minyan times and any changes. Your site will automatically update itself to show the immediately upcoming schedule.

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